Murat Kendir's Knowledge "Basement"*

"We found a hut and dry wood here. Others will come. Give them rice, salt and matches, Captain."

from the movie "Dersu Uzala", Akira Kurosawa, 1975

Who am i?

Murat Kendir.

I was born in Germany and spent my youth and most of my professional career in Turkey. I completed a Bachelor's degree in Geomatics Engineering and a Master's degree in Geographic Information Technology at Istanbul Technical University. I have gained work experience in both practical and information technology fields. I am currently working as a researcher at the Technical University of Munich. I am married and have one child.

In many of my other interests I like to remain an amateur. I believe in learning to learn. Living is a serious business. But there should always be time for good music or a good coffee.

What is the purpose?

  • organizing my knowledge/information/data
    • to be more nerd about these things.
  • That's all. Enjoy the website!

Latest Notes

    <ogc:Function name="strToUpperCase">
for dosyaadi in *.tif
gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:5254 $dosyaadi turef/$dosyaadi
gdaltindex -tileindex location tindex_5254/$dosyaadi.shp turef/$dosyaadi
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" tindex_4326/$dosyaadi.shp tindex_5254/$dosyaadi.shp -s_srs EPSG:5254 -t_srs EPSG:4326