Some rules to generate Postgre compatible SQLs for OracleDB
- INSERT INTO must be declared before the WITH clause.
- Every (real) table must be called with it's SCHEMA name.
- If (real) table must be shorten with aliases, don't use "AS" conjunction.
Description :
- INSERT INTO must be declared before the WITH clause.
- Every (real) table must be called with it's SCHEMA name.
- If (real) table must be shorten with aliases, don't use "AS" conjunction.
- Don't use Aliases in GROUP BY clause (?).
- Don't use Aliases in GROUP BY clause (?).
- If DUAL needed, call it firstly (?).
- User 0/1 rather than True/False.
- Try to not use quotation with table names (Use with schema names).
- Do not use double colon as type casting. Always use CAST(column AS type) expression.
Example :
2025 Jan